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A few thoughts for a snowy Sunday Afternoon


Six inches, 9 inches, a foot-n-half. Nobody knows it’s all a crapshoot.

         Speaking of crapshoots, Imagine applying for a Government Job, you get the interview, you are all pumped up, all systems are go, and your interviewer says, by the way, you need liability insurance. 

So not only do you have to be a Trump swallower, but you also have to cover your ass, Because, somewhere, or sometimes in the next 4 years, Trump is going to Fuck up. No that’s not true, Fake news is what I heard on the Washington Journal this morning

             As we all know by now they didn’t all testify, some didn’t even honor a subpoena,  trumpers, are special. 

              I often hear that Trump did nothing wrong in his first term, 

    Maybe yes, maybe no, off the top the daily chaos of “what did he say now?”  Operation Warp Speed was a blessing, and I’m sure many say thank you for that. However, where there are highs, there are lows    

               Let’s see who didn’t have Liability insurance in Trump's first

Term. Once again I’m sure Trump, would like to thank A.G. Merrick Garland for sleeping at Switch and of course the U.S. Supreme Court for the ruling

“Just Trump is above the law”  

            Just reading what I’m writing is pissing me off. Oh boy, Trump gets sworn in less than 24 hours. It’s snowing!, I better get to the liquor store buy more Tequla, maybe 2 bottles.     


         Elections have Consequences get involved call your

 Local Senator or Congressman

 (202) 224-3121

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