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America, Is This Thing On?


The Real Cost of Eggs pt.9

This guy has made his home state so proud this week. This low-life is one  Andrew Bailey the Attorney General of Missouri. Andy in case you have not heard, is filing a lawsuit against suing Starbucks, Why, you ask?  From his website: “Starbucks has blatantly violated the law by linking its compensation to racial and gender quotas. Additionally, the company discriminates based on race and gender when it comes to board membership. With Starbucks’ discriminatory patterns, practices, and policies, Missouri’s consumers must pay higher prices and wait longer for goods and services that could be provided for less had Starbucks employed the most qualified workers, regardless of their race, color, sex, or national origin”  Bailey then whined that he didn’t like Starbucks’ recruitment ads, which delivered the radical message that employees would be treated fairly. Then there are pages and pages of boilerplate content from Bailey about Missouri’s interest in being served coffee only by white folks at the state’s 200-some Starbucks locations.

       Now where do you think this shit-for-brains got this idea from? 

      Do I have to say his name? (side-note) I have contacted  the 

 Springfield News-Sun in Ohio, I’m happy to say no dog or cat eating has been reported lately. What is so sad is our blowhard Leader is just ripping our judicial system piece by piece. The Republican party just sits there and admires him. Our Constitution is going down the fucking drain and they are more worried about being primaried. What are they worried about, there won’t be shit left to govern. Hello!!! Is this thing ON?!!!!


         As of Feb. 9th, 2025

 Avg. price of 1 doz. Grade A eggs Nationwide are $7.98   dn .0 cents since 2/09/25

              Avg price of 1 gall of regular gas Nationwide is $3.17  DN .09 cents since 2/09/25 

       Elections have Consequences get involved and tell

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 (202) 224-3121

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