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Stop calling This Normal

 Speaking of “Stop Calling This Normal”,  Hello World!

      I don’t generally use profanity out in public, as long as you don’t count what's under my breath. But there comes a time when a good “Fu” has its place, not to mention what we pay for cable hell, I want reality!!  

          Ever since Trump to use his words has “poisoned the zeitgeist” of everyday life in America. The Media has managed to twist itself in knots to make Trump a normal former president/candidate. 


           But now however the media and Trump have a common problem. It's called history we can now look back with pride, courtesy of YouTube & Google. We can see all the lies both Trump and the media shoved down our throats, for the sake of Hits & Clicks. 

            What’s that saying? “If you don’t learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it”. And still, they follow.  

            There is a good bet that not many followers of Trump read my Blog, and that’s fine. I do at times switch to Fox Entertainment for their view on things. Last time on  Mike Lindell “Mr.Pillow”  was once again bragging about how he has proof of the stealing of the 2020 election. And any day now he is going to release the evidence to the world. (what's the rush it has only been 4 years)  

               I’m sure all the YouTube videos and pages of evidence on Google, will not put a dent in the faith they have in Trump. Even when told of the dire implications of Project 2025. What did that one supporter say,


                          “ If Trump said it, it must be good for us” 

                 You can say what you want but  “This is not Normal”

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