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There is a little bit of Trump, in ALL of us


The Real Cost of Eggs pt.13

 Hold it!! Let me explain., Like it or not we all have a trace of racism in all of us, let’s call it the orange glow. The big difference is that most people know without looking or being told the answer2+2=4. Put simply racism is not a lifestyle to live for. Let's see what keeps racism and its friend prejudice alive. 

             So it’s all about POWER, and that's how the bullshit starts.


 So how do you defeat  Bullshit?

Stay Calm & Collected – Don’t let it get under your skin. The more emotional you get, the easier it is for bullshit to win.

Call It Out (When Necessary) – Sometimes, exposing nonsense for what it is makes it crumble. Just make sure it's the right time and place.

Play the Game Smarter – If you’re stuck in a system full of BS, find loopholes, workarounds, or ways to beat it at its own game.

Pick Your Battles – Not every piece of nonsense is worth your energy. Focus on what affects you.

Use Logic & Receipts – If someone is twisting the truth, have facts, proof, or sharp reasoning to shut it down.

Detach & Move On – Sometimes, the best way to win is to walk away and let the BS collapse independently.

         I have been begging for months and years on end, that somebody a reporter, some political figure, Stormy feaking Daniels. Would stand up to Trump and say “You're a fucking Liar, and you know it” I see Mitch McConnell all of a sudden came out of his shell to “Question Trump” of his actions lately. Of course, we remember Mitch's great speech on the floor after January 6th, 2021. But then Mitch went back into his shell after his Impeachment vote.

Just think if Mitch had Voted yes, this country, this world would not be in the chaos it is now.  The real person to blame for the next 4 years is the wonder Wuz Merrick Garland. (back to the subject at hand) 

              So what keeps the Trump Republican party going?  Is the thirst for Power and the shadow of Fear. Here is their problem, everybody in just a matter of 5 weeks is realizing that Trumpism is in trouble.  Another way to beat bullshit is just to give it enough rope, it will hang itself.       

       As of Feb. 22nd, 2025

 Avg. price of 1 doz. Grade A eggs Nationwide are $6.98  dn .19 cents since 2/06/25

               Avg price of 1 gall of regular gas Nationwide is $3.14  DN .03 cents since 2/06/25 


 Elections have Consequences get involved and tell

     Trump what do you think 202-456-1111 (White House)

 Local Senator or Congressman

 (202) 224-3121

     Remember These people work for you

      Save this number to your phone call every day


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