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What’s wrong with the Christian Right


Let's start from the very beginning”, in today's time”s it’s a very good place to start. 

           America was not founded as a Christian nationtake a look at the Constitution. The more interesting question is whether America is a Christian nation. For the better part of its history, the United States and the most prominent form of Christianity in America, mainline Protestantism, were intertwined. Explained best in what is the best three minutes and fifty-one seconds in Television 

               The segment was from the TV show Newsroom on HBO some 12 years ago. Like Dylan's song  “Like a Rolling Stone,” it’s as true today as it was then.

                 By now we all know what “Project 2025” is, and we all know Trump knows all about it, even though he tried to take his swallowers for fools and proclaim “he has no idea” what it is. I want to go back for a second and talk about the “Trump Bible”. I can’t help but wonder if it was in the hotel room when Trump was banging Stormey, praise the lord.              

               So what is White Christian Nationalism? 30 seconds into that program is the first of many  VERY BIG LIES  that America was founded as a  Christian Nation, as we know it wasn’t.

           BUT THE PROBLEM IS and if that wasn’t enough the real joke isSo there is the issue, What is the REAL TRUTH and the fake Trump news, that Faux spreads like shit on the farm. You know and I know but,  the Trump swallowers don’t believe it unless Trump says it. How does it feel?

                    Elections have Consequences get involved call your

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