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When Religion Meets Stupid, We Still Haven’t Learned.

To gain more insight into Father Coughlin and how Trump is doing the same shit, I recommend Rachel Maddow’s new book Prequel.

                     From the innocence of the golden age of radio to In Your Face and Open Your Wallet Televangelists. They still show the Sunday Mass on local channels in New York, for the people who physically can’t get out or can’t attend their local services. The difference is it just a Mass, It’s not a SALES PITCH oh the Classic


                     This country has given birth to many scams, you read at least once a week somebody is still sending money to Prince Fullofshit in Nigra to the tune of about, seven hundred thousand a year. I heard he lives in Florida. Of course, there are the followers of Cults and what is a cult?


                     That swings us back to this.  What bothers me the most is all you just have to do is Google, and YouTube Trump and all his crimes and bluster are there. The movie on YouTube is fact-checked, and  Wikipedia is well It's Wikipedia.

As Red Skelton used to say.  

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